New Product Fabricated from Kanthal APM Alloy Wire
C-mersion is a rugged immersion heater designed for hostile environments like melting and holding furnaces. Especially perfect for die casting applications, and the excellent material properties of a silicon nitride tube, it improves heat transfer efficiency, lower energy costs and minimize metal contamination.
C-mersion heater has been field proven and its target markets are aluminum holding furnaces, degassing, and die casting machines.
The C-Mersion system consists of a bayonet heating element and protective immersion tube. The elements are critical to the overall performance of the C-Mersion system. They are fabricated from heavy-gage Kanthal APM alloy wire, special insulators, and heavy-duty leads and terminals. Advantages of this design include a higher power rating and watt loading than conventional elements, the need for fewer elements, ease of startup and operation, and individual element replacement, as opposed to having to replace sets of globar-style elements. The immersion heaters also eliminate the expense and maintenance costs associated with transformers.
Tubes which protect the electric heating element are formed from silicon nitride (Si3N4) in a variety of lengths and diameters. Si3N4 has proved superior to cast iron and structural ceramics like silicon carbide in nonferrous casting operations. It is an electrical insulator, non-wetting, resists attack by chlorine and salts used in alloying aluminum, and has excellent strength and shock resistance over a wide temperature range. The tubes feature a tapered end which allows vertical or horizontal mounting. The taper serves as a plug at the point of insertion, eliminating tube flanges and special mounting brackets.
With wider acceptance of Si3N4 products by the aluminum industry, the cost of Si3N4 immersion tubes is declining.This makes our longer life, lower maintenance C-Mersion tube/element system affordable in a broad range of applications.