Fe-Cr-Al Heating Materials is the molten alloy heating element, which contain six kinds of alloys as follow for Pyromax:
Pyromax-C (PX-C)
Pyromax-C, a high-Al and high-Cr alloy, is a high-grade clcctric healing material, whose electric resistance is 1.60 μΩ-m. The heating element features a maximum service temperature as high as 140CC and is suitable for high-lcmpcraturc furnaces. It has a longer senioe life than other materials even in a caiburi zing atmosphere such as RX and DX as well as AX, N2, and other atmospheres. It is thus economical. With its high resistance, Pyromax-C is also used as a resistant material.
Pyromax-DS (PX-DS)
Pyromax-DS is an alloy whose electric resistance is 1.45 μΩ-m. It is a high-grade heating material for high-temperature furnaces that features the same maximum service temperature of I400℃ as PX-C The alloy features superior oxidation resistance in the atmosphere and is suitable for high-temperature industrial furnaces and electric heating equipment as well as domestic electric heating appliances with fine wires. The alloy may also be widely applied to heat-resistant structural members and as a resistant material for the electronic industiy.
Pyromax-D (PX-D)
Pyromax-D is an alloy whose electric resistance is 1.40 μΩ-m. The alloy features a relatively high maximum serv ice temperature of I300°C and superior mechanical characteristics and workability. The material is easy-to-use and may be widely used as the heating element for industrial furnaces and domestic electric heating appliances.
Pyromax-D1 (PX-D1)
Pyromax-Dl is a heating material that falls under the category of JIS FCH-1. It is applicable to a variety of different industrial furnaces.
Pyromax-D2 (PX-D2)
Pyromax-D2 is a heating material that falls under the category of JIS FCH-2. It is applicable to a variety of different industrial furnaces and may be used as an electric resistant material.
Pyromax-PM-D is a metallic healing material that features the maximum serv ice temperature of 1420℃. Developed in cooperative research with Kobe Steel Inc., the healing material is manufactuied by making full use of powder mctalhngical and various processing technologies. The material features high deformation resistance at high temperature and oxidation resistance, which have been impossible in traditional molten metal heating materials.
Features for PYROMAX-PM-D (PX-PM-D)
lSuperior deformation resistance at high temperature Almost free from sagging and deformation of heating wires at high tcmpcratuic (1100 to I420℃).
lSuperior oxidation resistance St long alumina fil m is formed on the heat ing wire surface, result ing in a long service life.
lSuperior workability Has superior mechanical properties, ensuring easy formation and machining.
lEasy heating wire design and work When determining the shapes of healing wires made of molten alloy, it is normally neoessary to take deformation into consideration. However, the Pyromax-PM-D is almost free from deformation after long use and features superior welding performance. Thus, it is easy to design and process heating elements.
In addition, applications for PYROMAX-PM-D (PX-PM-D):
Pyromax-PM-D may be used for high-temperature furnaces (1100℃ to 1400℃), diffusion furnaces, and ceramic sintering furnaces. The materia] may also be used as stiuctural members for use at high temperatures. The brackets for supporting Pyromax-PM-D healing wires are also available for use. Please consider using them.