Nichrome is a special nickel and chromium alloy. Cr20Ni80 belongs to a kind of electrothermal alloy, which has stable structure and electrical physical performance, in addition, good high temperature mechanical property, fine cold plastic deformation and weldability, as a result of which, it cannot have the brittle fracture due to long-term use. The alloy is widely used in manufacturing the household appliances and heating element below the working temperature of 1000℃. Its service life is long. Because of high nickel quantity, the price is high.
I Its components:
The composition also includes next elements: manganese, sulphur, carbon, titanium, aluminum, silicon, iron and phosphorus but their content is less than 1%, The concentration of main components and additions defines the consumer properties of different nichrome grades.
II Property
Alloy CrNi20/80
Tensile Strength N/mm2 686 ~ 736
Elongation at rupture (%) >20
Density g/cm3 8.40
Electric resistivity (Qmm2/m) 1.09 ±0.05
Max continuous service temp (°C) 1200
Melting point (°C) 1400
Thermal conductivity (KJ/m*h*°C) 60.3
Coefficient of linear expansion (axlo-6/°C) 18.0
Life time (h) >4 000
III Characteristics
Electrical resistivity and high melting point. Depending the wire size, nichrome CrNi 20/80 is used at 1200 °C; nichrome CrNi 15/60 - till 1125 ° C.
Such characteristics as corrosion resistance, high electrical resistivity and the minimal temperature coefficient of electrical resistance make nichrome wire and strip irreplaceable in the manufacturing of high-bemperature heating elements which works in an aggressive atmosphere.
Plasticity is another remarkable property of nichrome. It can be a subjected to: welding; turning operation, dragging, stamping, etc. Due to plasticity the range of products manufactured from nichrome is the widest.
• does not form a surface oxide during the operation
• high strength
• nichrome heating elements carry large on / off cycle until their complete destruction (see the composition of high-temperature metals and nichrome).
In addition nichrome has a low thermal expansion coefficient. It ensures the wide application during the manufacturing of the most important parts of many devices.
However, the disadvantage of nichrome is its relatively high price but considering the quality of nichrome, its durability and reliability it does not seem excessive.
IV Its purpose:
· for heating elements;
· for tubular heaters;
· for resistors
V Its application
Used in the high temperatures electric furnaces, annealing and drying furnaces, different electric heating appliances. Used for producing tube electro heatings and household appliances. Having high creep resistance, ductility, stability of the form and increased term of exploitation.